How Aromatherapy Works

Sometimes my friends ask me: “How does aromatherapy work?”

I tell them that aromatherapy scents are a combination of art and science that can improve health and mood through the use of essential oils, which are precious concentrated liquids that originate from plants.

In a nutshell, essential oils are the “essence” of the plant.

During your aromatherapy sessions, which you could have with an aromatherapy specialist or in the comfort of your home, you either inhale the vapors of essential oils of your skin absorbs them through contact with your pores.

Aromatherapy via Skin Contact

Skin contact could be through massages or aromatherapy baths. When the essential oils are inhaled, they trigger changes in your brain, which then stimulate physiological responses in your body. These stimulations could happen through the nervous, endocrine or immune system.

To maximize the benefits of aromatherapy, it is best to administer the essential oils via
aromatherapy baths or massages because you can then absorb the oils via both your skin and inhalation and these two activities provide additional relaxation benefits.

How Does Aromatherapy Work? – Aromatherapy Free Recipe

Here is a free recipe for your to try if you are feeling a little down or depressed. Mix these oils into a glass jar and drop a few drops of the mixture in your bath water:

Aromatherapy benefits can be gained in many ways. As mentioned above, you can add a few drops to your bathwater, but you can also diffuse them through forced air movement, heat, or a combination of both. Learn more about diffusion methods and various types of aromatherapy diffusers.

Now that you know how aromatherapy works, all you have to do is figure out which benefit you’d like to gain. Consult this handy aromatherapy benefits table for more information.

Find Your Favorite Aromatherapy Product

Your favorite aromatherapy product is probably one of many that are widely available in all urban areas. Many women like aromatherapy neck wraps, essential oils, or aromatherapy soy candles.

How does aromatherapy work? Find out here.

You can find aromatherapy oils and products pretty much everywhere nowadays, including the Internet and quality products are more affordable than you may think!

Aromatherapy Comes in All Forms and Sizes

Look for aromatherapy products in your local drugstore, grocery stores, online stores and specialty stores in the following forms:

  • Absolutes. Absolutes are similar to essential oils, except for their extraction process, which involves the use of chemical solvents. The final product is an oil that is even more concentrated than essential oil. There might be trace amounts of chemicals left in the absolute.
  • Candles. They come in all shapes and sizes, scented and unscented, and quality normally varies according to price. They are a great way to include aromatherapy and relaxation in your home. I recommend these aromatherapy soy candles.
  • Pure Essential Oils. Aromatherapy essential oils are more expensive than diluted oils and are normally sold in very small containers. They should only be used 1 or 2 drops at a time and need to be diluted in a carrier oil prior to being in contact with skin.

  • Diluted Essential Oils. These oils are less expensive than pure essential oils.
    Make sure to read the instructions for appropriate uses and quantities. You can make aromatherapy neck wraps with diluted oils by adding a couple of drops on a moist towel and wrapping it around the back of your neck in the tub.
  • Carrier Oils. Carrier oils are less expensive oils without specific aromatic properties that are used to dilute the essential oils. Once diluted, the oils can be used for massages, etc.
  • Diffusers. Diffusers are small appliances that are used to disperse scents. If you don’t want to buy a diffuser, here are some methods you can use with everyday items from home. Aromatherapy and relaxation truly are in your hands.
  • Aerosol Air Fresheners. Self-explanatory. Several large companies sell aerosol air fresheners, but most do not include large amounts of essential oils.
  • Fabric deodorizers. While some of these fabric deodorizers remove smells, others also add a light scent such as green tea or orange.

Aromatherapy Recommendations

I hope this information has helped you decide which product would work best for you. If you are still unsure, check out the following products from Amazon:

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