Quotes to Meditate On


There exist several meditation quotes in the Bible, Shakespeare’s works, and other well-known documents, albeit some people don’t always use the term meditation. Such mental processes can also be known as thoughts, reflection, lucubration, head work, deep reflection, consideration, brain work, prayer, self-reflection, etc.

Meditation Quotes

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) in King Henry VI:

“Close up his eyes and draw the curtain close;
And let us all to meditation.”

Anna Letitia (Aikin) Barbauld (1743-1825) in her A Summer’s Evening Meditation:

“This dead of midnight is the noon of thought,
And Wisdom mounts her zenith with the stars.”

The Holy Bible: King James Version. 2000. The Psalms 49:

“My mouth shall speak of wisdom;
and the meditation of my heart shall be of understanding.”

Thomas a Kempis. (b. 1379 or 1380, d. 1471). The Imitation of Christ.
The Harvard Classics. 1909-14. Book I (XX: Of the Love of Solitude and Silence):

“SEEK a suitable time for thy meditation,
and think frequently of the mercies of God to thee.
Leave curious questions.
Study such matters as bring thee sorrow for sin rather than amusement.
If thou withdraw thyself from trifling conversation and idle goings about,
as well as from novelties and gossip,
thou shalt find thy time sufficient and apt for good meditation.
The greatest saints used to avoid as far as they could the company of men,
and chose to live in secret with God.”

The Holy Bible: King James Version. 2000. The Psalms 19:

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight,
O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”

Gourasana, on how to start learning meditation:

“If you have not succeeded ever, yet, on an inward journey, be gentle with yourself.
Give yourself time. Gently let yourself go deeper.
Whatever experience comes to you, let it take you over.
Welcome it. Relish it.”

Meditation Resources

Meditation Scripts

There are other ways to look at meditation quotes. You can sometimes use these quotes as something that you repeat to yourself when you meditate, like a mantra. For example, I like to use positive thinking and practice what some people call manifestation meditation.

Here are a few affirmations you can use in your meditation sessions:

  • I am rich with love and peace.
  • I am grateful for my health.
  • I am the source of every happiness in my life.
  • I love my life.
  • Thank you for everything.
  • I breathe, therefore I am.
  • Thank you for this meditation time.
  • I attract wealth.
  • Everyone I meet brings joy into my life.
  • I find creative ways to help others.
  • I have plenty of money for everything I want.

If you want to create your own meditation mantras, make sure to use positive terms. Don’t use “no”, “don’t”, etc. For example, don’t say, “I’m not fat.” but say, “I am thin.” Your subconscious doesn’t get the difference between a negative and a positive and will only remember the rest, leaving you with exactly the opposite of what you want.

While most people recommend that you practice mindful meditation indoors, I say, “Mix it up. Go for a walk in nature and meditate amongst the trees, flowers, creeks, and everything the great outdoors has to offer.”

Of course, you need to be careful and avoid putting yourself in dangerous situations but enjoying a nice peaceful walk on a sunny day in your neighborhood park can do wonders for your soul.

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