Astral Projection Guide

astral-projection guide - videos to learn how to astral project

If you’re looking for an astral projection guide with instructions, here you go.

But if you’d like to learn more about the entity that can guide you on the astral plane keep reading.

The Astral Plane

what dreams may come - example of astral projection guide

No two astral travelers will describe the astral plane the same way.

Why is that?

Well, it has a lot to do with your culture, your values, your religion, and the overall way you were brought up and have come to regard life, your environment, symbols, and all life forms.

I recommend you watch the movie What Dreams May Come starring Robin Williams. The story itself is not about astral traveling, it is about a man coping with the death of his family and his own death. However, the way he experiences heaven is very similar to the way you may experience the astral plane.

Astral Symbols

There are various symbols on the astral plane. While some symbols are universally recognized, many will require you to explore your own beliefs in order to determine their meaning, which may be very subtle.

You and only you can understand the meaning of these symbols in your vision of the astral plane because they are your own subconscious representation of key elements.

For example, in American culture, it is a tradition to have the new husband carry his wife through the doorway of their home as a rite of passage into the next phase of their life: marriage. Therefore, the symbol of a gate could mean a rite of passage of sort, and allow you to explore a different stage or level.

There are many astral levels or astral planes but you must achieve a certain level of personal development prior to being allowed onto the next plane or realm.

You may want to stay on the first astral plane and keep exploring or you may choose to work on your personal self with the help of your astral projection guide in order to be granted access to the next level.

Astral Projection Guide

So what is an astral projection guide?

Basically, it’s an entity that is on the astral plane to help you and guide you through your astral experience. You may encounter these guides as religious figures if religion is important to you, or perhaps as angels or even animals. As I mentioned before, the way you see other astral bodies and entities is based on your background and culture.

For example, if the word wise makes you think of an old man with glasses and a long beard, then you will likely encounter some wise entities looking exactly like that. Perhaps your vision of a guide will be more of an auditory experience and you will hear a reassuring voice instead of seeing a reassuring figure.

You may wonder how to get one of these guides…

If you’ve already astral traveled, you probably have one already (unless you’re astral traveling for the wrong reasons).

If you’re traveling for the right reasons (i.e., self-improvement, knowledge, etc.) then you simply need to be aware that you have a guide and pay attention to your surroundings and you will be able to recognize your guide.


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