Supta Vajrasana Yoga Pose

A Yoga Pose to Boost Creativity

Supta Vajrasana (also spelled vajra asana or vairasana) is the technical name for the sleeping thunderbolt pose.

This yoga pose is recommended for spiritual reasons and general improvement of internal organ functions.

Some believe this asana can redirect sexual energy to the brain, which can help reduce sexual urges and improve creativity.

Important Note Before Getting Started: This yoga pose should not be practiced by people who suffer from slipped disc, sciatica, sacral ailments or knee problems. Make sure to read the entire procedure before you start the pose.

Getting Into Supta Vajrasana

Follow these instructions to get into this yoga position:

  • 1. Start from Vajrasana.
  • 2. Bend back slowly, vertebrae by vertebrae and place your elbows next to you for support, one elbow after the other.
  • 3. Continue bending back and place the top of your head on the ground, arching your back.
  • 4. Move your hands to your thighs.
  • 5. Breathe in deeply and slowly.
  • 6. Close your eyes and relax your body. Aim to stay in this position for at least a minute if you can. Beginners should start with a few seconds only.
  • 7. When you are ready to return to Vajrasana, start by bringing your upper body back up to the starting position, slowly and use your elbows to help you up.
  • 8. Once you are back in Vajrasana, you can straighten your legs.

Note: It is important to not straighten the legs before your back is up as you could dislocate your knees by straightening the legs first.

More Benefits from Practicing SuptaVajrasana

This asana offers a good stretch of the upper body and massages the abdominal organs to help reduce constipation.

Because your chest is fully expanded, you can fill your lungs with more oxygen, and this expansion is beneficial to those who suffer from asthma or other breathing disorders. It also improves creativity by redirecting sexual energy to the brain.

Learn more about yoga poses similar to Supta Vajrasana and how they can help you relax at home.

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