Yoga Cow Face Pose

Do you want to know what the cow face yoga pose looks like? As you are probably aware, lots of yoga asanas were named based on certain resemblance with animals (the way they look or behave).

This particular asana (also known as Gomukhasana) has an English name that remains a complete mystery to me. I never do yoga in front of a mirror, but I highly doubt that my face looks like a cow when I do it… at least I hope not!

Benefits of Practicing the Cow Face Yoga Asana

By practicing yoga, and in particular the following cow face yoga pose, you can induce a relaxation state or decrease your stress levels. I recommend that you stay in this position for two minutes per side.

This should maximize the benefits, which are:

  • Reducing anxiety
  • Relieving back pain
  • Relieving stiffness and knots around the neck and shoulders
  • Improving posture
  • Stimulating kidneys
  • Improving breathing
  • And lots more.

How to Get Into the Cow Face Yoga Asana

These instructions will help you get into the cow face pose:

  • 1. Sit on your yoga mat with your legs crossed and right knee directly above the left knee and your feet towards you. It should be slightly uncomfortable at first. If it is unbearable, place your right foot flat on your mat. This should ease the pressure on your knees.
  • 2. Bring your left arm behind your back with your hand pointing up. Place your right elbow up, with your right hand behind your back, pointing down.
  • 3. Bring your hands together by clasping the fingers of both hands. You should feel the muscles in your upper arms. If you can’t make your fingers touch, use a yoga belt until your flexibility improves.

  • 4. Do not push your head down with the raised elbow. Instead, push your head back against your elbow.
  • 5. Keep your back straight and close your eyes.
  • 6. Breathe in and breathe out slowly.
  • 7. After 2 minutes (or less if you can’t make it to 2 minutes), unclasp your hands and switch over to the other side.
  • 8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 with opposite legs and arms.

For asanas other than the cow face yoga pose, click here.

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