Yoga Bow Pose

p>The Bow Pose in Yoga is also called Dhanurasana. In addition to improving flexibility, this asana offers several other benefits. For example, when you practice this position, your liver and abdomen are massaged, which helps digestion. The secretions of the pancreas and adrenal glands also get balanced.

The bow pose also helps decrease the amount of fat that tends to accumulate around the waist.

Benefits of the Bow Pose Yoga

Specialists also believe that the bow pose helps alleviate gastrointestinal disorders, dyspepsia, sluggishness of the liver and chronic constipation.

On top of all those advantages, this asana is recommended for people with diabetes, menstrual disorders, incontinence and colitis.

Because it improves blood flow and helps realign the spinal cord, it can also help relieve asthma and improve breathing.

Bow Pose Yoga – Illustrated


You shouldn’t attempt this position with a full stomach. Wait at least 3 hours if you’ve just eaten a meal. It may also stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, so it is best not to practice it just before going to bed.

You should always check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise regime, including yoga. Are you ready to give it a try? First, you need to have a flat and comfortable surface to work on, such as a yoga mat.

Bow Pose Yoga: Instructions

  • 1. Lie flat on your stomach with your legs together and your arms next to your body. Inhale deeply.
  • 2. Bend your knees and try to bring your feet as close to your head as possible while lifting your arms and grabbing your ankles. Retain the breath as you bring your body into position.

  • 3. Try to keep your arms straight, head back and legs tensed. Your legs are the only body parts that are contracted. It’s important to keep your back and arms relaxed.

    Your abdomen should be supporting your entire body. Breathe slowly and let your body rock with the breath (very small rocking).

  • 4. Hold the position as long as possible (or until it gets really uncomfortable), then slowly relax your leg muscles and lower your body back onto the mat. Exhale as you let go.
  • 5. Repeat.

Note: If this pose is too difficult, you can use a yoga belt and wrap it around your ankles until your flexibility improves enough to allow your hands to reach your ankles.

For poses other than the bow pose yoga, consult this yoga for meditation and relaxation page.

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